What a dingin' response!
You're mad as for your Missoni, aren't you my little pipped and peely ones?
Almost time to announce for me to announce the winners, but until then, let me tell you of a big fat perfume NO NO NO NO.
I always, always see people do this:
Spray perfume, smell, rub wrists.
Here's one part that is right:
Spray perfume.
Here's another:
Here's one that is wrong:
Rub wrists.
And here's why:
When you rub one wrist on another, you bruise all of those glorious, expensive, exquisite flowers that give the fragrance its unique scent. You kind of ruin the way its intended to slowly, gently unwind and reveal all of it's depth and beauty basically.
So don't rub.
No more rub.
Ban the rub.
Make your wrists (or neck) a rub free zone.