If you're anything like me (six foot seven, moustache, unnatural flair for pastry-making), you're pretty rubbish at painting your own nails, especially on your writing hand.
Cue O.P.I's new ProWide brush,which I used for the first time yesterday, even though it's been out for a while, I think since the Australia collection. (I'll be honest - I pay for my manicures, or go au feral most of the time.)
It's wider right, so it carries more polish, but then spreads it more evenly and thinner, so you get a stupidly fast application, cause in around two (careful, slow) strokes, your nail is pretty much covered.
I liked it much!
It made the whole messy affair (I was using a vampish red whose name was unreal, but sadly it is at work, so I can't write it here - suffice to say it's just swell, and is from their upcoming Russian collection and if you like a classically whoreish red, you'll be all over it) SO SO much easier, that I actively thought to myself, young woman, you owe it to your fruits to blog about this tomorrow.
That is the brush. It's really not that great an image, is it, especially as it's clear, because it's from an O.P.I treatment product. But it's WIDER. Trust me.