Ah, the woolly wild web. It's a crazy ride.
I was going to post that clip of that mang bride flipping OUT and swearing like a metho-fuelled hobo, cutting all of her hair off, but I'm sure you've all seen it three times, and are already cruising Perez for your next taste of video wrong.
Love YouTube. What a delightful friend it has become to us all. Never borrows our clothes without asking, or drinks the last bit of milk, or steals our boyfriends like that nasty Paris girl. Just feeds us footage of things we never even knew we needed to see.
Along with Myspace, 'Tube is a particularly good friend to fruity, as a lot of her new www friends find her Definitely Excellent Product reviews via its colossal landscape of gamine Japanese girls doing swimwear shoots and Lonelygirl15 drawling aimlessly about her fake life.
See, once you start a blog, you start getting linked to. Only thing is, you never know what's being said about you, or who is writing it, or how they found you, or why they found you, or what they had for dinner last night, or why they decided to very nicely boost your hits by linking to your wordy little wonderland.
But that's okay. I don't need answers; serendipity is the name of the www game.
One thing I have come to know is that one who hath a blog must always obey The Rule To Cyberstalking One's Self:
"Talk up and celebrate and definitely post the Good Stuff and always, always ignore the Nasty Stuff. Not that there is any."
Speaking of which: Here's a nice one right here.