I feel like I've had a baby.
Or bought a new plant, on a less dramatic scale.
Because you're supposed to blog every day, right? That's the rule. And that's what they say in all of those torturous How To Make Your Blog Successful articles in the paper, and on some of the more advice-generous Successful Blogs out there. (What they don't, but perhaps should say, is to ignore all of that and just be a savagely witty gay man in LA with a massive, hard ... drive capable of having more Internet Explorer windows open on picture agencies than you have Italian man sandals, so you can post an endless stream of blogs about celebrities doing silly and naughty and spectacularly dull things in violently recent photos.)
ANYWAY. If you'd just be quiet so I can get back to my point.
Which is that i need to write something about beauty on here every, single, day. So that when people come here expecting beauty stuff, they actually get them, instead of a MP3 of a dancing chihuahua, which I initially thought might be a very amusing post for today.
I am wearing a Stupidly Fluorescent Orange [technical term] on my toelets currently, and they look superb. More fun than a bag of mixed lollies blended with a five year old. And, it must be a Real Life Trend, because all the other beauty editors from all the Other Magazines are wearing similar fruity shades. [No pun intended, but let's enjoy it all the same.] And except for the time I peeled a mango with my feet during a Uni talent quest, never so many compliments on my feet have come my way. And since mangoes are in fact orange... y in colour, and I'm talking about orange-based tones and compliments on feet... Look, I think you can see where I'm heading with this. The point I'm making is pretty obvious.
I went to Uni.