And here's why there's no pictures: Because I went and had a green peel from my Beautiful Beauty Messiah, Natasha. And while i could have posted a photo of her lovely smiling face (should have; left my phone in the car) one needs to see visuals of my unsmiling face post-peel when it's a bit red and a bit angry at me for putting it through pain.
A green peel, for those, who like me hadn't heard of one until very recently, is the same colour as the font given to it just now, and for many, is a form of torture rivaled only by being force-fed boy's toe nails. And i only had it on a very small region of my chin, so i can only imagine the pain for those that elect to put that stuff all over their mug. (No i can't. My brain just kind of seizes. Sorry about that. No more lies. I want this to be an honest relationship.)
Why I went for the (herbal) green one over the more invasive acid-based peels (alpha-hydroxy, glycolic and co) is because it's less invasive and doesn't have any acids in it. All the clues were in the start of that sentence, really.
But still, Green peels are not frivolous. They are used to clear up acne, diminish scarring or pigmentation, de-congest the skin, get ride of fine lines and wrinkles, or just give people's faces a sweet, cherubic little glow.
It involves: A very unsavory herbal potion being rubbed onto your face, some excruciating pins and needles-type pain, then no water or makeup or anything on that region for, ooh, at least a day but usually more. The after, maybe three days, your skin starts peeling very gently. As though there were an adorable little snake under your skin and he decided to shed his skin. You don't look like a freak, your skin doesn't fall off like Samantha's did in Sex and The City (as can happen with the strong acidic peels)... you just look like you've maybe had too much sun and you're peeling. And then it falls off, and you go hardcore hydrating your skin, and then you're all glowy and snake-less and happy.
But if it's hurts and your skin peels off, well then why would you have one, you silly vain little twit, I hear you say, (rather inappropriately). Well, because my skin scars very easily, and the green peel sheds the layer of skin that houses the scars i have on my chin (caused by blemishes over the years) and as I'm only having it in a very small, targeted region, I'm not going to end up like one of those 40 year old women with paper-skin thin from too many peels. SO THERE.
Serious Stuff You Should Know: Green peels, even though herbal, are not quite as innocuous as our other herbal friend: chamomile tea. Like microdermabrasion or any of those medi/cosmoceutical type treatments, you should be going to an excellent beautician, or well-trusted salon and getting a professional opinion to whether it's right for your skin.
Do your research, ay. You may be too young, or there may be something less invasive that would be better-suited, or the problem may be hormonal, so please don't:
A) Run in demanding a green peel this afternoon because you have one pimple,
B) Go to that salon on the corner where you get your $20 pedicure and ask them to do it,
C) Eat Spanish onion before a date.